The new modern Greek Legal - Logistic Guide, called lawyerfind, was created in order to be a useful and necessary tool for all the professionals, the hosting companies, but also for all the citizens who are looking for and needing specific information. As far as professionals and businesses are concerned, lawyerfind recommends the website promotion, which offers the possibility to register and present any kind of business and professional of legal and logistic sectors. In particular, for anyone who is looking for useful information, lawyerfind is a technologically and functionally innovative search engine that quickly and easily returns results from a wide range of businesses across Greece and abroad.

The machine uses modern technologies in the search area and big data technologies such as Apache Solr, filters, radius / spot search, autocomplete of combined terms, optimization of performance, appearance depending on verbal relevance or distance, maps, synonyms, and other rich features.

Also, lawyerfind presents relevant results based on the region or search category and also displays popular searches when the search does not have a specific match of information.